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Free Online Business Success Chat

One on one. Expert Led. Limited Time Offer Ends.

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Boost Profit, Lower Cost. Guaranteed.

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We can do all the heavy lifting for you. 

- marketing automation

- full social media management

- content creation

- digital marketing strategy

- email marketing



All our services offer a 30 day full money back guarantee. Contact us to make an appointment to discuss your needs.









Save money and boost your own profits, learn digital marketing with AI, and AI driven automation to Boost profits and lower costs. We have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee for all courses and all services. 


1k Blastoff: 90 day jump start for new entrepreneurs looking to make an initial profit in their online business. 


AI Tools for Business: An up to date, expert led course on the power of AI and how it can be used in your business to boost profit and lower costs. 


Advanced digital marketing: Learn the latest techniques to improve your business performance.


Our clients appreciate our innovative approach and our commitment to delivering measurable results.


For a limited time, we are offering a free one on one profitability Q and A session. These 30 minute sessions will allow you to get insights and make changes you need to improve your online presence and ultimately, boost profit. We will troubleshoot and offer various paths tailored to you. 








Boost Profit, Lower Cost. Guaranteed. That's our motto.


AI Helps Business is committed to helping your online business achieve your goals through innovative AI-powered solutions. Our passion is to help you succeed using the latest technology.  




Mari is a gifted teacher and was generous with the detailed information and insights that she provided, which comes from being a subject matter expert. A wonderful course for anyone interested in how to use chatbots and AI. The focus is on business and business marketing. Would not have been able to research and learn as much by myself. It has been the most instructive and useful course I've attended in the last 5 years. Thank you Mari, and look forward to joining you in your next brilliant course module.  


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